My life is a motion blur ...

Wow! Since leaving NYC I've been on the go and bleating on everyone else's blog ( Bike Friday's and FastCompany ) but my own! I've been in doing the Bike Friday shuffle in San Francisco, Sacramento, and now Hawaii. I'm off to the annual Bike Friday Arizona Desert Camp in March, then to Australia for the Australian Bike Friday Club gathering . Here's a motion blur update ... Riding with the Honolulu Tradewinds Bike Club out to Waimanalo and back - fast furious! Sorry I couldn't manage a more scenic backdrop than this "unremarkable lump of rock" ... Chance encouter in Kapiolani park with daughter of the Bragg's Liquid Aminos empire and author of 'The Triathlon Endurance Training Book', Patricia Bragg. Dressed in pink, she seemed enamored with my hot-rod pink Pocket Rocket Pro Petite ... Gazillion dollar view from this Lanakai beach shack, where I was invited to a birthday party. The Hawaii Bicycling League Annual Membership Dinner - la...