
Showing posts with the label New York City

Thanksgiving in NYC: The Rent Stabilized Model

A WHILE back, I organized the odd thanksgiving for NYC transplants and itinerants, aka “orphans.” Turkey with all the trimmings beckons from inside... Well, there must have been a lot of subsequent adoptions because this year, beau and I found ourselves to be the only orphans without invites in town. So we decided to do as the rent-stabilized might and the rent-controlled do, and seek out some turkey action at a local diner. But to work up an appetite, why not bookend a Thanksgiving meal with a bit of New York starchitecture, conveniently served hot and happening along the Highline?  See that gobletty thing wedged between the buildings? That's  Thomas Heatherwick’s "Vessel ," a honeycomb-like structure made of interlocking staircases, soon to be populated by thousands of bodies, aka the gum-chewing, selfie-snapping public. Like Calatrava's Oculus , it looks like it's elbowing for room in a subway car between those adjacent towers, but that'...

Citibike NYC: the cross-town taxi you drive yourself

The key to the city ... for 45 mins at a time I caved. I have officially joined the Citibike program recently introduced in New York City. Now why on earth would a die-hard foldie with two perfectly good, fast and fancy folders in her closet do something like that? What, no helmet? At least my Traffic Cone Bag will help keep me alive Convenience with a "C" First, there are times when you are across town on foot, and you want to get back quickly without resorting to the expense of a cab, the lethargy of a bus or the claustrophobic cram of the subway. Second, it saves my own bikes from wear and tear, especially when it's a bit damp out there.  Grit and road grime are the enemy of tiny New York apartment spaces where your bed and kitchen and living area are often one and the same. On that note, lucky the few who have dedicated downstairs bike storage in Manhattan ... Third, it's a great workout. Think of a pedal powered Leopard tank. Ev...