
Showing posts from January 22, 2023

Singapore on a Friday: Riding with Mark Mobius, Father of Emerging Markets

The Galfromdownunder rides with the Man from All Over in Singapore First published 10/6/2009, with updates below MOVIE: Meeting Mark Mobius in Singapore   I've just landed in Singapore and hit the ground pedaling, meeting and riding with customers Mark Mobius ( ) and Richard Piliero from Franklin Templeton  (the "Gain from our Perspective" people). So who is Mark Mobius, and more importantly, what am I doing hanging out with the likes of  him? Mark is considered "The Father of Emerging Markets," credited with coining the phrase that refers to investing in "developing" countries like Brazil, Russia, India and China (BRIC). Of course, this acronym is becoming obsolete as these economies rapidly accelerate towards first-world cushiness. He travels globally and constantly, frequenting 24-hour gyms while investigating promising companies - and rides his small wheels whenever he can. Mark with his third F...