Baring my fake Loubs: How to spot a pair of counterfeit Christian Louboutin shoes

These shoes are made for exploiting ... thanks for ABC News for this terrific shot of a man with a mission. THE BIG news story of the day was not the GFC or the horrors in Syria, but the seizure of 20,000 pairs of fake Christian Louboutin (loo-boo-tan) shoes. In this ABC News story you can see footage of a surly blue uniformed LA customs official handling a pair of screaming pink 6" heel pumps with rubber gloves and pronouncing them fit for the bonfire. I Googled "spot fake Louboutin" and watched a bunch of hastily-shot home videos and blog posts laboriously pointing out the differences between the real deal and the counterfeit. So I thought I'd add my own to the mix. Because ... Note the ridges on the soles of these fakes - actually quite thoughtful, as stepping onto carpet in the real thing is akin to ice skating. ... I own a pair of fake Louboutins! (I think). Now, I didn't set out to support fakesters. But I spotted a pair of ridiculous...