Julia Clancey: My former flatmate reaches for the stars (and dresses them)

Reconnecting with Julia in 2007 after 10 years, outside a fashion shop with bike-as-art in the Meatpacking District, Chelsea, NYC. Update March 4, 2010 MOVIE: Julia's brother Andrew at his Any Old Iron opening Below: Dec 2010 movie of Julia at Any Old Iron THANKS to Facebook, we can now get the low-down on long lost friends, lovers, roommates, colleagues .. . and inhale their exhaust fumes as they rocket to fame. I've been enjoying Googling the meteoric rise of my former flatmate Julia Clancey , once a hair stylist, now a top British fashion designer. Cameron Diaz, Victoria Beckham, Lindsay Lohan, Paris Hilton and a bunch of other starlets now wear her stunning couture threads. My Googling brought back some fond memories that I've enjoyed recanting below ... apologies that there are not more photos of Julia yet - they're currently in Sydney in my mother's closet, a long way from 'merica, but I'll dig them out soon and - with her blessing, share som...