
Moving my Yoga postings to a separate blog

As of today I'm moving all my yoga posts to a separate blog . You can get to it any time from my Galfromdownunder Yoga  page or all blogs page .

One of the best things in city life that are free: art

"Where's Steve?" Fran Lebowitz channeling the famous Steve Haring I've been attending a lot of art shows of late. It's a way to feed the right side of the brain (for most of us, the left lobe gets hammered daily, right? ).   Read about iton my ChelseaGallerista blog .

[VIDEO] Snow York City!

VIDEO:  Shot by the Galfromdownunder on the corner of 23rd St and 8th Ave NYC.  Music by Honest Charlie, sampled live in Tucson, AZ.  THERE'S a perpetually problematic corner on 23rd St and 8th Avenue in Manhattan. And I'm not referring to the stalwart sales associates handing out the Rite Aid and eyebrow threading leaflets either.  In torrential rain, this corner becomes a deep, impassable twin lake, causing pedestrians to walk an extra block, give pause, or if they're lucky to be wearing the ubiquitous Manhattan Hunter rubber boot (women only), slosh smugly right on through. When it snows, it becomes a glacier and lake combined - necessitating some mini mountain climbing (see video). Squint your eyes to block out the buildings, street and yellow cabs and you can almost imagine you're in watching National Geographic documentary on Greenland - before global warming set in. I have no idea why the city hasn't brought in a truck with some concrete to build t

Yoga/Pilates for Cyclists: coming to an Otello room near you!

NOTE: This post, and future posts relating to the Yoga/Pilates for Cyclists project in collaboration with Karin Fantus will now be continued on this blog: Following our sold-out  Yoga/Pilates for Cyclists Sampler  class in Jan 2011, Karin and I have found a cozy space to continue the series. Judging by the feedback  the New York Cycle Clubbers found our class very interesting and beneficial. (OK, we did hand out 85% dark chocolate with the anonymous feedback sheets). Here's a movie tour of the space: Tour around the space above - and apologies - I couldn't help but tickle the ivories a little, despite a traumatic childhood involving piano lessons and a book of mindless  Czerny Etudes  that resulted in teethmarks on the piano ... A musical space indeed: a 72nd St location - with cushy new carpet - for around 8-10 participants (when we stack the chairs) "What a tangled web we weave ... " It's called the Otello room

Handmade Bikes: The Buyer, The Builder, the Bling (Movie and Story)

THE MOVIE (15 mins): On Facebook: Shot with  Galfromdownunder CrayolaCam (8 mp point & shoot camera, iMovie, no really) THE STORY in MOMENTUM MAGAZINE (Jan/Feb 2011, begins page 29):  specifically: Thanks to Babbling Brook Productions for this very nice comment on YouTube:  This is a great video that really captures the experience of appreciating handmade bicycles. From describing the artistic details of handmade bikes such as the head tube badge, lug work and paint, to the experience of having a bike built for a specific riding purpose, this tells the story. The time spent with the builders in their shop really lets you in to the work of hand building bike frames. If you're interested in hand built bikes, this video nails it!!! TO ACCOMPANY a piece called &quo

Downward Dog Days: Yoga/Pilates for Cyclists Sampler Workshop

SIGN UP for this workshop here or if you can't abide Facebook, here . Caught mid Warrior II on Arizona Desert Camp 2010, where I taught a daily Yoga for Cyclists class.   See a shot clip . By cyclists, for cyclists ... I'm going to be doing a workshop in January in collaboration with Pilates teacher and cyclist Karin Fantus. For the yogaphobic and pilates-curious, it's a little back-to-back intro for newbies that demonstrates flexibility techniques (yoga), resistence techniques (pilates) and core strength (both). Karin Fantus with a client in her pilates studio Details below. It's sponsored by the New York Cycle Club, which is always coming up with fun and interesting ideas for its members - the last one was a group visit to the Bespoke Handmade Bicycles Show at MAD. You can sign up on my Facebook Event page , which will simply help organize responses and let you post questions and comments ... or, if you can't access that for some reason, there&#

Macy's Santaland: Many Santas Make Light Work

‎*** WARNNG: Parental Guidance Alert! Santa Spoiler! *** Visiting the Macy's Santaland on the top floor of this iconic NYC retailer in 2009, with Bike Friday customer Brenda Carlton. When I was a kid, there was just one Santa, needless to say, me and my nosy camera were hustled out of there ever so nicely by the tireless, velvet suited  elves - they deserve a great Christmas tip! Merry Christmas everyone! Santa's Elf 1: beats folding t-shirts! Santa's Elf 2: tip this man!  Scenes from Macy's Miracle on 34th St puppet show. Bear Crossing!  My advertising bent: putting the Macy's branding front and center The final scene from Miracle on 34th St Everyone gets this cute little badge