NY Minutes: Meeting a Fellow Adventurette

I recently had the pleasure of meeting Sandy Thompson, formerly of xploring.com, a division of ideas company Saatchi & Saatchi. (I was a copywriter for Saatchi in Australia, Ireland and Creative Director for an afiliated agency, Tribu, in Costa Rica). xploring is about super curious cats like us getting out there among the pigeons, seeing how they eat, sleep, fight, make up, brush their teeth and win Nobel Prizes, multimediaclasting and customer evangelizing - just up my silicon alley.

The meeting was fueled by a mutual friend, my former boss Jorge Oller at Tribu. Thank you Jorge for your persistance, not only am I honoring you with the attached photo, I am honoring your capitulation to my Customer Evangelism by showing your Bike Friday tikit in stylish repose (see below).

I was excited to meet Sandy because I'm always keen to meet anyone who's been pursuing a similar path to me - out on a limb, living a nomadic life pushing relationship marketing to the nth degree by living with customers - and in my case, with a thin umbilical cord reaching the way back to Bike Friday in Eugene. You could call it adventure ethnography. I've even been scolded by one customer as he drove me somewhere ("get off that cellphone Lynette, you're as bad as my daughter!"). Like being 12 years old again in the back seat of the car ... I've even ... well, you'll have to wait to read about that in my book. It's all good.

Sandy has since branched out on her own, and I hope to exchange ideas and laffs with this fellow Adventurette who looks like a movie star but actually BIKES to the store. She eyed my Traffic Cone Bag and immediately saw a place for it in her commute. We gals know a good widget when we see one.

Stand by.Jorge Oller's tikit to ride in Miami - but of course!


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