Cape Cod on a Friday: Can you say cuuuuuuute?
Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Houses, Oak Bluffs. They're not all pink ...
I'm just back from a weeks riding on Cape Cod, Martha's Vineyard and Nantucket with 40 or so cyclists, courtesy of Friday Friendly Tour Company BikeandtheLike and 5 magnanimous Bike Friday customers.
I have these customers to thank: Sue, Glen, Leo, The Knables, plus Charlie (he must be inside getting some chowder) for sponsoring my visit to the Cape
How magnanimous? I cajoled them into signing up for a Friday Friendly trip in the Berkshires, but due to the recession? Hills? The tour was undersubscribed, and thus cancelled for this year. A bit of fast webgotiating and within an hour I had them switched to a completely different Friday Friendly tour company, $400 less expensive, and subbing my attendance to the tune of $100 each. "If you can get them to sponsor you, I'll kick in the rest," said Suzy the tour operator.
Of course, my part of the bargain was to write a full multimedia report for the benefit of all - BikeAndTheLike, the participants, Bike Friday, and presumably myself too.
Full report on the Internet Archive here:
Cape Cod really is the chic "Vacationland" rhapsodized by travel writers. Particularly Martha's Vineyard, there was not a square foot of grunge as far as I could tell. Every square inch was either tastefully chic or left respectfully un-chic. The bike trails were a delight. I always imagine it was named after Martha Stewart, and it might as well be, having more chic than you can poke an artfully weathered doorknocker at. Provincetown, the gay capital of the Cape, is yet another stunning example of the Pretenders' vocalist Chrissie Hynde's observation: we have the gay population to thank for the gentrification of American towns ...
A friend told me in 1982, Providencetown staged "Night of a Thousand Elizas" - where 1000 gay men ran down the street dressed to the hilt as Liza Minnelli ...
Above: Sitting on the dock of the bay in Edgerton, eastern shore of Martha's Vineyard. Wearing favorite 20 year old, $A10 flapper dress - great for biking - aerodynamic streamers!