2010: The Year of "I Got It"

I'm still waiting for i-Pearl Inc to say "I got it" and refund my $29.95 for the damaged laptop case. Or at least tell me to go to hell.

The year has begun well.

My best friend Julie from waaaaaaaaaay back in kindergarten, had the top of her lung removed a couple of days ago and has been given the all-clear. This, despite a very informed friend (head of a pulmonary critical care unit) telling me lung cancer is a tough one.

I'd sent her a hamper of goodies but the internet hamper company didn't acknowledge right away for some reason. During that gap I had ample time to start wondering if my money had disappeared off to Nicaragua (a country I love, but you can disappear - voluntarily - pretty easily there).

When I finally got an acknowledgement, it still left a lingering mistrust. I asked my friend to tell me what was in the hamper - just to see if the stated goods matched the actual.

I thus declare 2010 to be the year of "I Got It".

I assert there is a disturbing trend towards non-responding - due to a mixture of overload, apathy and/or arrogance - and it's damaging to the fabric the holds everything together: trust.

It's by no means rocket science but as a sage friend once said, "People do not have to be informed so much as reminded." I posted this on FastCompany:


Have a read, feel free to post a comment, and resolve to say "I got it" in 2010. The world will be a so much better place.


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